
Press Ctrl Shift +to enlarge the words. Press Ctrl Shift - to Condense --<<-<-<--@@ Translator 多國國旗翻譯器請善用 四海是一家 有各國朋友 溝通雖困難卻值得努力了解

2010年2月7日 星期日

Peachface Lovebirds 桃面愛情鳥

愛情鸚鵡的中文名字來自希臘文 Agape ( 愛的意思) 而 Ornis 則是雀鳥的意思。這種可愛的非洲之珠 ( The jewels of Africa )小鸚鵡,一直給人浪漫派情懷感覺。法國人叫牠們 The Inseparables 即永不分離,多浪漫啊!當你看見牠們一雙雙,一對對依偎在一起時,纏綿於樹梢頭上,你很易會墮入甜蜜愛情幻想境界。很易會回憶愛情的浪漫片段,憧憬愛情可以給予的滋潤。(More reading in Chinese

A Lovebird is one of nine species of the genus Agapornis  (Greek: αγάπη agape 'love'; όρνις ornis 'bird'). They are a social and affectionate small parrot. Eight species are native to the African continent, while the Grey-headed Lovebird is native to Madagascar. Their name stems from the parrots' strong, monogamous pair bonding and the long periods in which paired birds will spend sitting together. The above information is what  I learn from the Wikipeida today. I can not believe that their name is composed of agape and bird!No wonder God gives them as a gift through my friend on the day before my pet Jazz pass away. God prepares everything I need so perfectly, even before my comprehension. How poor In and May are! When they first came to me last November, I even paid no attention to them about two weeks. How often I reject God is as this situation! Yet God keeps His love for me whenever I need Him most!
There are more information in the following:
Lovebirds live in small flocks and eat fruit, vegetables, grasses and seed. Black-winged Lovebirds also eat insects and figs, and the Black-collared Lovebirds have a special dietary requirement for native figs, making them problematic to keep in captivity. Some species are kept as pets, and several color mutations were selectively bred in aviculture. Their average lifespan is 10 to 15 years.

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