
Press Ctrl Shift +to enlarge the words. Press Ctrl Shift - to Condense --<<-<-<--@@ Translator 多國國旗翻譯器請善用 四海是一家 有各國朋友 溝通雖困難卻值得努力了解

2011年11月30日 星期三

Thanks for loss and grief 為損失和哀傷感謝

This month I lost one of my love birds unexpectedly, therefore I was in deeper grief for several weeks. I thank LORD grants me the special incident and experience in my life. Let me realize how much precious time the LORD grants to us and how much love connects us. 

The LORD has comforted me in various ways. Today I buy a new bird, Little France, again to substitute the one I lost. She seems has good character and temper with yellow feather.

Only the LORD  knows how many factors and reasons lead me to feel sorry, including I do not have time to describe the detail. I just try to name a few. Firstly, I was too busy to take my birds seeing the veterinarian periodically and urgently. Secondly, I was not sure the reason he or she died. Thirdly, the new bird, Little Germany, I bought for substitution flied away in the next day during I went to attend the BSF. 

2011年11月17日 星期四

Surprised by birds' grief – surprised by God's comfort 驚奇鳥的哀傷與神的安慰

Grief is a color of life, though people used to run away from it. What I am experiencing is God uses my grief to color my life. 

Recently I realize that even my love bird are experiencing the real grief, too. Through the specific feather of my love birds, I know they express their extra grievous emotion this way. Just as the Jewish people tore their clothes, when they grieved, including grieved for dead family.(Acts 14:14)

2011年11月10日 星期四

Commemorate My Love Bird 紀念我的愛情鳥

I post these photos for commemorating my love bird, Little In (UK), he just passed away this Sunday morning. 

I took this photo for him on October 31st, one week before his sleeping in the LORD.
I took this photo for Little In (UK) and Little May (US), when I just met them within one month. They sang and played together happily in my bed room last December.
This summer when I just moved to my hometown-Luliau in Taichung, I took this photo for this adorable couple. They love and enjoy the time together with each other so much. They often kissed and made love.
God grants me two grand love birds, Little Ma and Little Ry, during I receiving my alternative treatment.(Actually four, but two died during that period.) On the right side of the photo, we can see Little In and Little May was communicating and caring with their new generation. How lovely this love bird's family is!

2011年11月9日 星期三

Good Bye, My Love, Little In (UK). 再會,我心愛的小英~


我不禁問主,為何讓這樣的事如此發生? 主日我忙了一天,晚上又為因電費不明原因爆增煩惱哭泣失眠的信徒奔波服事後,接著才處理我的愛鳥.鳥電老闆娘判定是母鳥難產而亡!果真如此,這就是那忠心盡責的小美!請原諒你這過忙無能又無用的主人吧!


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