
Press Ctrl Shift +to enlarge the words. Press Ctrl Shift - to Condense --<<-<-<--@@ Translator 多國國旗翻譯器請善用 四海是一家 有各國朋友 溝通雖困難卻值得努力了解

2010年6月28日 星期一

The Hairs God Numbered 上帝數過和編號的頭髮




Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's will. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.( Matthew 10:29-31 RSV)

Reference 參考資料來源:

If you know the detailed knowledge of the anatomy and morphology of birds to be a competent birder, it is great for you. Yet it is more important to be thoroughly familiar with the parts of a bird’s visible plumage, or its feathers. The feathers of birds is like the hair and clothing of human beings.

I post a picture and the video from Peterson Field Guides, the main purpose is to enhance your understanding about God's awesome, beautiful, wise and great creation. By them you will know that the major groups of feathers are the remiges (flight feathers of the wing), rectrices (tail feathers), coverts (feathers that cover the bases of the remiges and rectrices, both above and below), upperparts (mantle, scapulars, and upper surface of the folded wing), and under parts (throat, breast, belly, flanks, vent, and undertail coverts). It is also necessary to know the terms for the markings of the head and for the parts of the bill (beak).
Birders often use less formal terms to identify features of a bird: cheek, forehead, chin, wrist, arm, hand, frontlet, cap, bib, eye patch, cowl, and others. Consult the Glossary for definitions of these terms.

2010年6月27日 星期日

Love Your Feathers 愛惜羽毛

These feathers belong to my love birds, Little In and May. How beaughtiful and colorful God creats for them. One day morning I found they laid down the floor of my apartment.They caught my attention immediately, so I picked them up directly without any anatomy.
The Chinese said 'love your feathers', which mean a person highly cherish their integrity, fame, reputation and so on. Sometimes some people love their feathers even more important than life. Are you that person?

Watch And Listen To Love Birds 觀賞並聆聽愛鳥

揮別不捨爵士公貓上天堂的哀傷,現在全心照顧我的寵物愛情鳥.雖然喜歡賞鳥,但我卻從未曾想要養鳥.偶而想到自己養了寵物鳥這件事,5 和我相依為命感情可說是好得很.您瞧,不但為牠們建立專屬的部落格,甚至為牠們製作了寫真月曆.接下來為牠們會有什麼不可思議的創舉,實在很有想像空間.



Are Love Birds The Troublemakers 愛情鳥搞破壞嗎?

Who Is the Troublemaker? Is Your Beloved One A Troublemaker? I have never known love birds can be the troublemakers until it had happened. 



2010年6月26日 星期六

The Life Is So Amazing 生命是神奇的

The Bird Little Brother Passed Away 再見,阿弟!

I took some photos before Little Brother passed away, he was pretty old. He has a longer life, he lives even more longer than his master, my godfather.

I started to understand how much God cares man after I experienced Little Brother passed away. I started to realize the reason why Jesus took the bird as an example to explain Heavenly Father loves us far more than love a bird.

You may not know how easily and quickly for a bird pass away. Until I saw it, I can state that only for a second is enough for a bird dies. I saw Little Brother looked down and fell down almost at the same time. Honestly speaking, I did not feel pretty sad about that. Even I did not feel any special or strong grief emotion. It is so easy for a bird to pass away, even so God still takes care of them and know the time of their falling down. The more I remembered how Little Brother passed away, the more I know Heavenly Father loves me deeply and completely.

For Birds Lovers 給愛鳥人士

If You are a bird lover, you may like to watch, listen and learn it.

How Smart This Little Bird Is 這隻小鳥真聰明


The Second Chance 上帝賜下第二次的機會

第一次養愛情鳥我犯下許多無知的錯誤,包括移動鳥巢,驚動牠們所生下的蛋等等.過去這半年來天氣相當多變與惡劣,愛情鳥常在牠們的鳥屋中沒有到外面活動,這段期間對我來說還挺難受的. 時常我擔心牠們是否健康,是否活得不開心...,包括想到牠們的九顆蛋因我的無知與好奇都作廢,我有很多的自責,壓力與忍耐.

然而,上帝賜我第二次機會可以重新來過,在學習中成長並喜樂!五月我請教養鳥的店家後買來這鳥巢給愛情鳥磨牙用的.約翰英文查經班結束後,六月有一天我決定加大愛情鳥的活動空間,於是諮詢養鳥的店家後將鳥籠擴大三到四倍,感謝神,結果成效良好,終於看見我的愛情鳥再次展翅跳躍.有天早晨聽到牠們鼓動翅膀的聲音,感受到為祂們付出都是值得的!!!前天還首度看見成雙成對進進出出並且在盪鞦韆享受作愛,我知道不久牠們的新生代即將來臨,我心中十分喜悅,上帝讓我沒有遺撼!我的上帝就是對我這麼好,連這種事都看顧. 祂誠然是看顧麻雀的恩主,(想像全世界有多少驚人數量的野鳥要養活呢!),不管您曾犯下什麼錯誤,遇到多大的困難或是有什麼難以面對的過去,只要您願意來就近信靠祂,深信祂也必眷顧您!

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