
Press Ctrl Shift +to enlarge the words. Press Ctrl Shift - to Condense --<<-<-<--@@ Translator 多國國旗翻譯器請善用 四海是一家 有各國朋友 溝通雖困難卻值得努力了解

2010年2月19日 星期五

The First Bird I have 我的第一隻鳥

I had three birds before I raise In and May. I had my first bird, Little Brother, after my godfather passed away. In other words, I took care of Little Brother for my godfather. After moving to Taipei, I brought another bird, Little Blue, for Little Brother.

From the photo you can see how much Little Blue loved Little Brother. I will put their film online soon,

After Little brother passed away, my friend brought one bird, Little Snow Blue, as his girl friend. I set them free next day, immediately they flied to the forest in front of my apartment. Yet, I could identify their special voice. Sometimes, they responded me when I called their name.

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