
Press Ctrl Shift +to enlarge the words. Press Ctrl Shift - to Condense --<<-<-<--@@ Translator 多國國旗翻譯器請善用 四海是一家 有各國朋友 溝通雖困難卻值得努力了解

2010年2月22日 星期一

The Morning Call 主人,請起床!

今天我真不敢相信我的耳朵!我的In and May來叫我起床!真是太不可思議了,很特別又也些瘋狂.這就是我所感受到上帝對我的愛. 請用喜樂的心情聆聽牠們的起床號!在一片黑暗中,愛情鳥愉悅的鳴囀聲中,我收到請起床的歌聲與呼喚.你相信嗎?

這就是我可愛的寵物鳥-去年我是不可能這樣稱呼牠們的,我不想以牠們來取代或轉移我對寵物爵士公貓的愛. Jazz是從上帝給我無可取代的禮物,因此也拒絕接受In and May 牠們的善意.可憐的鳥類朋友很無辜吧!牠們一定感到莫名其妙! 如今我已經調整我的角色和心態,要好好扮演牠們主人的角色. 瞧!現在我是這兩隻小鳥的主人及媽咪呢!

I could not believe my ears today! This morning my birds wake me up at 5:00 a.m.! I remembered the first week they came to my apartment, they did not get up until 10:00. Even my friend was astonished why the birds can sleep so late everyday at that time.!

Look! They are so lovely and exciting. They are curious to everything in my apartment. The birds also show their curiousness to me, sing songs for me, even they give me the morning call whenever I need it.

It is so special and crazy! Surely, that is what I feel about God’s love for me! So Amazing and beyond my reason. Now I realize that if Jesus can send my pet Jazz to take care of me, it is possible for him to send the birds to be with me, too.

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