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2010年9月17日 星期五

God Gives Me Mercy 神賜下憐憫

I have seen the little birdie went of the bird room twice after I posted the article "Waiting By Faith" the day before yesterday.  It seems Little Taiwan has grown up a lot within a week. I am so glad that my Little Taiwan is peaceful and feels secure with me. However, his mother, Little May, gave her a hint to come into the bird room immediately. This loving couple entered into bird room to accompany their children instantly. I can feel they love Little Taiwan very much. I am full of gratitude that God grants me this loving birdie family.

自前天部落格刊出[憑信心等候]一文,隔天我的小台就露臉從鳥屋出來兩次!!! 不到一星期的時間,小台長大不少. 看見小台很平安從鳥屋出來,我很感恩心中的疑惑頓釋. 小台好像還對我挺有安全感,倒是牠的母親小美立刻示意小台進屋同時自己也立刻進鳥屋陪伴.她的父親小英見狀隨後也一同進鳥屋.讓我感受到小台有對愛她的父母是項恩寵!!!晚上看見這恩愛夫妻睡在鳥屋頂靠窗口處,而小台則倚在鳥內屋窗口旁休息小眼睛不時好奇地向外張望.很高興神賜我這美滿恩愛的小鳥家庭!!! 

God gives me Mercy, Little Taiwan. He knows my need and the purpose of my life. It is by being an ama (grandmother) of the little birdie that I realize God's creation and will more deeply. "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." (Genesis 1:28 NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.(Jeremiah 29:11)
感謝神賜下憐憫,我的金孫小台. 神知道我的需要和我一生的目的為何. 正是在成為小鳥阿嬤的過程中使我對神的創造和旨意有更深的了解. 耶和華說、我知道我向你們所懷的意念、是賜平安的意念、不是降災禍的意念、要叫你們末後有指望。(耶29:11) 就賜福給他們、又對他們說、要生養眾多、遍滿地面、治理這地.也要管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥.和地上各樣行動的活物。(創 1:28)

2010年9月15日 星期三

Waiting By Faith 憑信心等候

Waiting by faith is a lifelong lesson. I have seldom seen the little birdie, Little Taiwan, since I posted his photo last time. It excites me to open the bird room, yet I know to wait by faith is the best policy. 

憑信心等候是一生的功課.我必須承認對寵物鳥兒們的了解度有限,尤其是金孫小台.自從上次為牠拍照後幾乎就再也沒看見小台到鳥屋外活動過,這一點真是讓我心裡很納悶.甚至我想小台是否[父母化]正代替小美在孵其他的蛋. 百思不得其解時,很想打開鳥屋看個究竟.但我知道最好的選擇是憑信心等候,就像先前等候數個月後鳥蛋終於孵育出新生命小台一樣.從鳥蛋的孵化後又經過不知多久的等待,小台終於在千呼萬盼及眾人的代禱祝福聲中問世.

Though I do not often see my grand-birdie, his mother, Little May, accompany his father, Little In, in the cage everyday. This couple spends many time to teach and talk to Little Taiwan. They encouraged him by singing songs joyfully whenever Little Taiwan responded their calling and communication. I lean to know there is a need to repeatedly excite children have the motivation and courage to talk or sing eagerly by observing their behaviors.  Meanwhile, I realize how much the heavenly Father pleases us to pray, to talk and respond him and his calling. Yes, In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. (Psalm 5:3 NIV)

自從小台誕生後,牠的母親小美天天在鳥屋外和小英一起活動.雖不見小台但看見小英小美十分恩愛,我的內心因此得了安慰.小英小美每天同心育兒,每一天都很殷勤地對小台說很多話,當小台偶有回應時他們就更熱烈地歡唱附和小台的叫聲鼓勵牠教牠說更多悅耳的鳥語. 從這對愛情鳥夫婦身上我不僅體會到愛的呼喚與教育的方式,如何從小蘊育一個良好的鳥語學習環境.原來連雛鳥都需要成鳥天天對牠說話使其有說話唱歌的勇氣與動機!!!同時我也更深了解天父喜悅聽到我們對祂禱告說話回應祂的聲音.是的,耶和華阿、早晨你必聽我的聲音.早晨我必向你陳明我的心意、並要儆醒。(詩5:3)

2010年9月9日 星期四

My Little Taiwan 我的小台

Look! Little Taiwan is God's beautiful creation!!! This little birdie catches my attention everyday.


2010年9月6日 星期一

Becoming A Grandma 成了鳥的阿嬤

I am glad to share that the new generation of my love birds has come to explore this new world on last Saturday. (September 4th). This little birdie, Little Taiwan, God's amazing creation is so adorable. And now I am becoming a grandma of this little birdie!!!

謝謝各位網友的代禱與守候,我很高興在此與您分享我的喜悅,經過九個多月的等待,上週六也就是九月四日愛情鳥的下一代走出鳥屋探索新世界了!!!頓時我變成了小小鳥的阿嬤(AMA;Grandma).真令人興奮的時刻,與我的金孫第一次相遇令人印象深刻. 金孫小台(Little Taiwan)很可愛,第一眼看牠很像小企鵝.


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