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Translator 多國國旗翻譯器請善用 四海是一家 有各國朋友 溝通雖困難卻值得努力了解
2011年9月28日 星期三
After three months, my grand birdies-the Little Malaysia (Ma) and Little Korea (Ry) finally try and learn how to enter into their cage this week. They used to live with no cage before this fall. I have to admit their parents Little Us (In) and Little UK(May) are adorable and wonderful teachers.
Even though when my grand birdies Little Malaysia (Ma) and Little Korea (Ry)were born, I could not see them in the first moment. I still received the LORD's comfort through them. I felt so excited for the coming of the new generation. But One thing bothered me after I started to raise them from this fall, that was they did not know how to use the cage. I tried many ways to assist them, for I knew the cage will protect them when the winter comes.
I was thankful God prepared two families of my students to raise my love birds, Little Us (In), Little UK(May) and Little Taiwan (Tai) during I received the surgery and alternative treatment in this spring. But one day I felt sick to know the Little Taiwan (Tai) passed away suddenly because of hard adjustment of the speedy weather change in Chung Li. Her healthy situation had rapidly deteriorated, that I could not even see her one more time before her passing away.
When I got a thyorid cancer, it is a sad event for me. I grieved for her a lot in the first beginning. I also viewed it as a loss in my life at that time. However, the LORD comforted me soon both by transforming my perspective and granting three more promising eggs- Little China (Chung), Little Malaysia (Ma) and Little Korea (Ry).
The Love Season V 愛的季節 (五)
These are my grand birdies. Do you notice that Little Ma with his new hair style. He makes it by himself. So cute!
2011年9月21日 星期三
The Love Season IV 愛的季節(四)
Even though I do not learn love birds' words, yet I know their love language.
When I hear their sound on the upper floor, I will let them hear my cheerful voices, too.
How to love not too much or too less? To love love birds is so easier and freely than to love humans.
The Love Season III 愛的季節 (三)
I wish you a healthy and joyful life in the love season.
Be sure to take care of yourself in every circumstance!
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The Love Season II 愛的季節 (二)
Life is simple for birds, so does love.
The Love Season I 愛的季節 (一)
Love is also the necessary and natural food for life.
The Love itself comes from the LORD.
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