This blog is mainly a blog for my love birds, Little In(English) and Little May(US), including previous birds I had. I used my mother's name as their names in remembrance of my lovely mother.
I miss you, my little birdies! This is the final shot before their adoption by a local couple on this June 1st. 我的金孫鳥,小台與小德二世,本月被領養.雖然才過半個月,但我已經開始很想念牠們.這是小加和小美的下一代,也是自我罹癌後首度親自撫養出生的金孫鳥.雖然內心捨不得,但新的主人是一對有愛心的夫婦,想必能給他們更美好的照顧. 我的精力和時間都有限,因此未來若有合適的領養者,小加和小美也考慮讓人收養.如此我才可能有餘力開始寫我的感恩見證集及回憶錄.