An Unusual Alarm 不尋常的警示聲
The weather keeps changing a lot this year. It is a big challenge for me to adjust the changing weather. It rains a lot recently though the weather still very hot. One of my friends who had finished her vacation and come back from Japan called me that she caught a cold the day before yesterday.Another friend lives in USA wrote me that she lost her weight about 20 lbs recently because of the stressful life and taking care of her sick parents. How about you? I hope you keep healthy as well as enjoy your life, and I will meet you soon.
This early morning I almost catch a heavy cold if without my bird waking me up. You cannot believe that this early morning the weather here changes as if it is in winter. My love bird,In means England is his name, makes a loud noise about ten minutes. This strident noise is as if to give me an unusual alarm that I should pay my attention to make an adjustment to the special circumstance. All in all I woke up. At that time I felt weak and very cold. Soon I wore warmer clothing and drank a cup of ginger water. Progressively I felt much better after the weather changes into summer style again in daytime. I am so thankful that God even can use my pet to take care of me and protect me from illness. I have never heard In make such a longer and loud noise except one day there was a bigger temple fair in this city last year. Now I view my birdies as the spiritual couple. How amazing?! What about you?
In is the left one of the photo. May is in the right one.